Running Shoes that Give You Tips on How to Run Better

Human Movement, Signals, Techology


April 2017

The Altra Torin IQ, created by Tech Firm iFit, is a running shoe that monitors how you run. While you’re running the shoes give you feedback on how to run better. The shoes also connect to an app, where you can view the data from the shoes.

A Bag that Cleans your Gym Clothes

Human Movement, Signals, Techology


March 2017

The Paqsule is a gym bag that removes germs and smelly odours from your used gym clothes. You can push either the button on the bag or on your phone to activate the system.

New Normal


New Normal.PNG

In the modern society, diversity is starting to become something to be celebrated instead of just being “odd”. The world is changing and so are the brands we buy. Because our brands say who we are and what we stand for. That’s why we expect brands to also include diversity. No matter someone’s looks, age, beliefs or sexual preference, everyone gets included and everyone should be portraited as equal. Because brands have the power to make people who are different normal. (Trendwatching, 2016)