The Moving City of the Future

Human Movement, Signals
Moving city


January 2017

Self-driving cars may not only be used for transportation in the future. Design firm NewDealDesign has come up with their concept called Autonomics, in which they plan on using self-moving vehicles to build an entire city. People will be able to just step in one of the self-moving cars and while they’re moving around they’ll come across bigger vehicles which they can enter from the car they’re in at the moment without stopping or slowing down. The bigger vehicle could contain a meeting spot for example like a restaurant and shops. It’ll also be possible to get delivery to the vehicle you’re currently in.

Ambulances with the Power to Stop the Music Playing in your Car

Human Movement, Signals
Ambulance.pngJanuary 2017

Ambulances and fire engines have been provided with a new system, that enables them to stop music from playing in the cars they’re approaching. This way, the drivers will notice the sirens sooner so they’ll have more time to react.