Heinekens ‘Open Your World’ Commercial

Appearance, Signals

Screenshot Video

April 2017

Heineken has launched a new campaign that encourages people to open up their world by getting to know people, who are totally different from them. The video shows people, who have totally different opinions on climate change, transgender rights and feminism, working together without knowing each other’s thoughts on the matter and then finding out how different they are. They then share a beer to talk about their differences.

3D-Printed Ovaries

Health, Signals, Techology

Northwestern University

May 2017

Scientist of the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and the McCormick School of Engineering have managed to create 3D-printed ovaries for mice. The mice were able to have fertile children. Maybe in the future the same can be done for humans.

An Indonesian Slum gets Painted in Rainbow Colours

Culture, Living, Signals
May 2017

In Kampung Pelangi, a slum in Indonesia, the government has funded a makeover so the inhabitants could paint the neighbourhood. Kampung Pelangi was painted in vibrant rainbow colours to give the neighbourhood a better image.